I recently received a call from a soldier formerly stationed at Travis Air Force Base wondering whether he could collect Veterans’ Disability benefits and Social Security benefits at the same time. The short answer, is ‘yes,’ he can. For a clear explanation on the interplay between Veterans’ benefits and Social Security Disability benefits, there is a great blog post by the Law Firm of Stephen A. Friedman and Associates on receiving both Social Security Disability benefits and Veterans’ Benefits. As Mr. Friedman explains, the amounts may vary depending on the type of Veteran’s benefit received as well as whether the individual is collecting SSI or SSDI. At the end of his post, there is a chart which neatly summarizes what types of benefits may be received.
The Social Security Administration also publishes material specifically on the topic of Disability Benefits for Wounded Warriors. While they no longer have a website dedicated to the processing of online applications for wounded warriors, it is still possible to apply online using their general website. Be sure to indicate on your application that your disability occurred while you were on active duty October 1, 2001 or later. This automatically flags your case for expedited processing.

Know Your Rights
We are receiving many calls from frightened people due to the rhetoric they are hearing from President Trump and members of his Cabinet. Everyone is scared, even those people who have legal status. Rumors are flying around of ICE raids, numerous arrests, and mass deportations. More now than ever, it